Setting up a business website is an important step, because your site can generate sales, provide valuable information, educate your audience and boost brand recognition. However, you need to make sure you are attracting plenty of traffic and you also need to ensure as much of this traffic as possible is interested in what you have to offer.
Acquire a Winning Domain Name
One of the best ways to generate more traffic to your business website is to acquire a great domain name. As a general rule, the domain names that work best are those that are under 10 characters in length and easy to remember. If your business name is longer than this, consider whether you could use a shortened version for your domain name.
In most cases, it is best to use a simple .com domain, rather than .org, .biz or alternatives, as this will be easier for the average person to remember. People guessing your website URL are most likely to default to using .com too.
Upload Fresh Content Regularly
If you want people to visit your business website, you need to give them a good reason to and one of the best ways to achieve this is to regularly add fresh content. This content could take the form of blog posts, articles, a newsletter, white papers, ‘how to’ guides, or even video or audio content, but you need to make sure you constantly add something new. You can also then use this content as part of your social media marketing strategy.
The importance of fresh content for generating traffic was made even clearer by research carried out by HubSpot, which found that businesses that regularly blog generate 55% more visitors and 97% more inbound links.
Use Tried and Tested SEO Strategies
Boosting visibility on search engines is a tried and tested method of increasing traffic to your website and a proven way to do this is to use established search engine optimization techniques. For example, you should include high-value keywords in your content and you should use both internal and external links.
However, you also need to make sure the content you publish is high-quality and useful to your audience. This will increase reach, encourage more shares on social media and generate more backlinks from other websites.
Take Steps to Speed Up Your Site
Finally, a great way to boost quality traffic to your website is to optimize the user experience so that people are more likely to come back and less likely to bounce right off your site. In particular, loading times are a common complaint from users and you should take the necessary steps to speed up your website.
Options here include using compression tools for images, utilizing a content delivery network (CDN) and adopting the open-source accelerated mobile pages (AMP) framework to ensure loading times are low across all devices. The faster your site loads, the quicker visitors can access your content and explore your business offerings.
Generating traffic is a top priority for any business website and there are a number of simple steps that can help. Acquiring a great domain name, adding fresh content regularly, using proven SEO principles and ensuring your website loading times are fast are all great ways to attract visitors and achieve your business goals.