It’s hard to appreciate how significant the burden of arthritis is unless you’ve had to live with it. The pain can be excruciating, and it can feel as though it effects your life endlessly. Luckily, many people have learned ways to better manage arthritis. Here are some of the tips that they’ve shared.
Avoid exposure to cigarette smoke, yours or anyone else’s. Nicotine constricts capillaries in your extremities, which can reduce inflammation right now. You should understand though, that this lessened blood flow can cause significant damage to your joints, which will result in greater arthritis symptoms.
Stretch your symptom-free joints every day. A warm shower followed by a gentle stretching routine will cause you to feel looser for the rest of the day. Warm, loose muscles will cause less stress on your joints, which means that you will suffer from fewer flare-ups and less pain throughout your day.
Even though it is hard sometimes, exercising frequently is something you should do if you are dealing with arthritis. If your joints remain inactive, they will deteriorate faster. You should also perform flexibility exercises, as it will increase your ability to flex your muscles.
Visit a massage therapist on a regular basis if you suffer from arthritis. The massages that these professionals perform on you will help to make your body relax and ease some of the pain in your joints. It is recommended that you visit a massage therapist every two weeks if you have arthritis.
Consider joining an arthritis support group. Friends and family members who don’t suffer from arthritis may have a hard time understanding exactly what you are going through and how much it affects your life. Connecting with other arthritis sufferers in a supportive environment can make it easier to cope with the chronic , day to day pain and other difficulties associated with the disease.
It is important that you get the flu shot if you suffer from arthritis. Just like with many other chronic illnesses, arthritis symptoms will get much worse if you get the flu and could even land you in the hospital. The flu shot is a simple shot that you only have to get once a year.
Stretch frequently if you suffer from arthritis. Flexibility loss is a big complaint from arthritis sufferers. A daily regimen of stretching the entire body will keep muscles and joints more supple. Start out by stretching your feet, then work your way up your body until you reach your head.
Try hot wax for relief. While heating pads can give great relief when used, they do not completely touch every painful spot. Warm wax envelopes your entire hand or foot, giving you complete relief to the painful areas. Make sure the wax is not too hot, and do not use it too often, or you may cause more irritation than you fix.
If you suffer from arthritis in your fingers or your hands, you may want to consider rubbing mineral oil on your hands. The natural ingredients of mineral oil have been proven to ease the pain of arthritis in the hands and fingers. To make this method effective, be sure to put the mineral oil on your hands and then put rubber gloves on them.
Sleep as best youc an. It’s important for any arthritis sufferer to experience the rejuvenating effects of a good night’s rest. Make sure your room is totally dark, turn around your alarm clock, turn your cell phone off, and use relaxation methods before you go to bed.
Those without arthritis may not understand what you’re going through, but plenty of others do. Be sure to take full advantage of the advice available. While nothing can completely eliminate your problems, you’ll be amazed at how much some of these tips can help. Use this shared knowledge to make your burden a little bit lighter.